Monday, 11 October 2021 02:13

Mental Health: How to Help

Written by Stephanie Denise R. Alagadan, MD, DPPS

An article in Business World dated June 2021 stated that the Philippines ranked fifth out of 65 economies in a global optimism index, placing after India, Saudi Arabia, China and the United Arab Emirates. It has consistently ranked in the Top 5. However, depression and anxiety are on the rise among millennials as they face the pressure to perform and be functional amid pandemic fatigue. Below are a number of ways we can support family members, fellow co-workers and friends through these trying times.


  1. Set aside time to talk with no distractions.
  2. Let them know that you care about them and that they are not alone.
  3. Be non-judgmental. Don’t criticize or blame them.
  4. Show that you are listening by repeating information they have shared with you. This can also make sure that you have understood them properly.
  5. Let them share as much or as little as they want to. Don’t put  pressure  on  them   to   tell   you   anything if they are not ready to talk about it.
  6. Reassure them that they will not feel this way forever.
  7. Encourage them to focus on getting through the day rather than focusing on the future.
  8. Volunteer to assist them in finding professional help. If need be, offer to keep them company during their session with a licensed therapist.
  9. Know your limits. Make sure someone is with them if they are in immediate danger.
  10. If you are unsure about how to help, reach out to medical professionals for guidance.

J.R. Borja General Hospital offers Acute Psychiatric Counselling through its Telepsychiatry Unit at the Outpatient Department.

We are here to help!


Source: Mental Health Foundation, UK WHO COVID-19 and Mental Health