Thursday, 11 May 2023 04:58


Written by J.R. Borja General Hospital
MR OPV - SIA ( Measles, Rubella, Oral Polio - Supplemental Immunization Activity) at JR Borja General Hospital for children aged 0 months to 59 months.
What is supplemental vaccination?
A supplemental vaccine is an additional dose of a vaccine that is given as a way to boost immunity or provide additional protection against a specific disease. In the case of oral polio vaccine and measles-rubella vaccine, a supplemental dose is given to children who have already received their routine immunization schedule to ensure that they have optimal protection against these diseases.
Supplemental doses of vaccines are recommended in certain situations, such as during outbreaks or in areas with high transmission rates of a disease. The decision to administer a supplemental vaccine is typically made by public health authorities based on the epidemiology of the disease and the risk of transmission.
Measles and Rubella Vaccine - children 9 months to 59 months old (4 years and 11 months old).
Vitamin A - children 9 months to 59 months old (5 years and 11 months old); given after oral polio vaccine.
Oral Polio Vaccine - 0 months to 59 months old ( 4 years and 11 months old).
Previous vaccination with other vaccines like anti-tetanus or anti- rabies is not contraindicated, so children may get vaccinated for MR OPV. We will only observe a 21 days gap in between measles rubella vaccines. ?
Last modified on Friday, 21 July 2023 08:13